Top Crop Manager

News Diseases
OMAFRA: Biosecurity for crop scouts and agronomists

November 7, 2022  By Top Crop Manager

Crop scouts and agronomists that walk multiple fields in a day should consider biosecurity and preventing the movement of soil, and soil borne pests like soybean cyst nematode or avian influenza, between fields. Risk of disease movement from one farm to the next is proportional to the amount of soil moved. While other aspects of farming represent a greater risk of soil and disease movement, such as custom operators going from one farm to another, crop scouts have a role in biosecurity.

Meghan Moran, canola and edible bean specialist with the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA), has created a short video outlining some practices to prevent the movement of soil between fields on vehicle tires, boots and field tools, like soil probes. |READ MORE

Note: Meghan Moran will be off until fall of 2023. If you have questions for the OMAFRA canola and edible bean specialist, please reach out to Abbie Wiesner, who will be filling the role temporarily until Moran returns. Wiesner can be reached at or at 226-979-8250.



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